Steps To Secure Your Point Of Sale System In Malaysia

A Point of Sale system is very useful and beneficial to all types of retail and also the F&B industry. Point of Sale is a very important part of the purchase stage because it’s where consumers are about to make a transaction for a product or service. Point of Sale systems are advantageous to your business, however, it is important to make sure it’s always secure. An insecure Point of Sale system will not only cause you to lose important information, but it may also cost your business as well. So, how do you secure the Point of Sale system for your business in Malaysia?

Installing a firewall and anti-virus software

Point of Sale systems contains a lot of information about the business, such as the type of stocks, price, customer details etc. Hence, it becomes really crucial for the safekeeping of these data so that they won’t be stolen. With the rise of hackers, spyware, malware, and viruses, retailers will need to install firewall and anti-virus software to prevent them from damaging your POS system and your business. A firewall acts as a barrier that protects your Point of Sale system from the cyber world. A firewall is a gateway defense and it keeps your network safe within a group of trusted networks. On the other hand, the anti-virus software can detect any possible threats that may cause harm to your POS system before it attacks your system. Furthermore, anti-virus is another layer of protection that keeps personal data like credit card information well and away from phishing software.

Strong password

Generating a strong password is another way to secure your Point of Sale system. Birthdates, car plate numbers and identity card numbers are never safe passwords. It’s easily cracked by people who already know some of this information of yours. A strong password should have different characters such as capital letters and non-capital letters, numbers and even symbols. Even though they’re harder to remember, it’s a better option to keep your Point of Sale system safe in Malaysia. Additionally, it’s good to frequently change your password to stop the constant access of somebody who might have gotten your password. It also lowers the risk of someone guessing the right password when you shorten the time for guessing.

Comply with PCI

If you accept credit card transactions, you have to know that the POS system used needs to comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). The PCI DSS has guidelines for firewalls, anti-virus, user authentication etc in order to lower the risk of credit card frauds. If your business requires you to store credit card numbers, then it is important to have strengthened encryption of the numbers. Of course, it would still be best if they are not stored in the POS system to avoid them from being stolen all at once.

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